Australian Politics 2016-11-21 15:46:00

Australia’s Senator Roberts was right about “adjusted” temperature data in Greenland

Shifty Peter, official Greenie writer for the Fairfax press, has written below that Senator Roberts got it wrong in claiming that NASA/GISS concealed high temperatures in Iceland during the late 30’s and early 40s.

But what is the proof Roberts got it wrong?  There is none.  All that has happened is that the head of NASA/GISS has asserted that the adjustments were reasonable and reflrected reality.  But he would say that, wouldn’t he?  Is he going to admit to being a fraud? Given the chronic mendacity of the Green/Left, his word means nothing.

But the NASA head is given some support from the head of historic Icelandic meteorolgy, Trausti Jónsson.

Problem: A few years ago the same Trausti Jónsson energetically condemned the NASA/GISS adjustments.  Given the pressures put on climate scientists by the Warmist establishment, it seems clear that Trausti Jónsson has now been bullied into supporting the NASA/GISS fraud.

Additionally, news reports from the late ’30s reported ferocious heating in the Arctic.  No wonder Warmists “adjusted” it to non-existence.

All of which tends to show that Senator Roberts was right and we are up against crooked scientists when we deal with Warmists

A senior NASA official has taken the extraordinary step of personally rejecting the claims of One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts that the agency had falsified key data to exaggerate warming in the Arctic.

Gavin Schmidt, director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, told Senator Roberts he was “mistaken” in his assertion that the US agency had “removed” Arctic data to mask warming in the 1940s.

“You appear to hold a number of misconceptions which I am happy to clarify at this time,” Dr Schmidt told Senator Roberts in letters and emails obtained by Fairfax Media. “The claim that GISS has ‘removed the 1940s warmth’ in the Arctic is not correct.”

In his letter to NASA dated November 14, Senator Roberts explained his interest in the agency’s temperature calculations, saying they had “influenced” the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s warnings on global warming that in turn had informed Australian government policy.

Iceland weighs in

“In Australia, we have considerable concern about temperature adjustments made by NASA over many years,” Senator Roberts wrote, including charts from Icelandic stations at Vestmannaeyjar and Teigarhorn.

“In dropping the temperatures for the early period, the [Arctic] warmth for the 1930s and 1940s appears to have been removed,” he said. “What is your specific reason for doing this?”

In an email, Truasti Jonsoon, senior meteorologist with a specialty in historical climatology at the Icelandic Meteorological Office, told Senator Roberts that the temperature “adjustments” are “quite sound”.

“During this early period there was a large daytime bias in the temperature data from Iceland as presented in this publication,” which accounted for much of the “discrepancy” at Teigarhorn and less so at Vestmannaeyjar, Mr Jonsoon said.

For the latter station, it was relocated in October 1921 to a higher elevation. “Comparative measurements at both sites have shown that the later location is about 0.7 degrees Celsius colder than the former – this relocation has to be ‘adjusted’ for,” he said.

“I assure you that these adjustments are absolutely necessary and well founded although the finer details of the resulting series shown in your letter differ slightly from my own version,” he told Senator Roberts.


Police Commissioner Karl O’Callaghan calls ‘bulls**t’ on Stolen Generation concerns

Good that someone cares about the kids.  The social workers have given up

LEAVING Aboriginal children in dysfunctional families because of concerns about repeating the stolen generations is “bulls..t”, Police Commissioner Karl O’Callaghan has said.

Mr O’Callaghan, who was speaking on Radio 6PR this morning about the campaign by The West Australian to address the issue of problem families, said more children needed to be removed.

“Every time I’ve come out in the paper over the past few years and said we should lower the threshold, some of the most prominent people around Perth jump up and say that you’re advocating another stolen generation,” he said.

“These kids are already having their lives stolen. “Any chance they’ve got of being normal community members is being stolen already.

“I don’t buy this bulls..t about stolen generation  by dropping the threshold and saving these kids from these sorts of situations you describe.”

Mr O’Callaghan said sometimes children might only need to be removed temporarily while social workers and others helped the families addressed their issues.

“I’ve been arguing for some time that the threshold should be lowered for kids to be taken away and put into some kind of out-of-home care,” he said.

“Only the most extreme cases happen now but there is another level down where there are kids at risk and if you talk to child protection workers, which I do, they will tell you there’s a whole bundle of kids out there who should not be at home and they don’t have a capacity to move them out of home.

“Now, whether people like to hear that or not, I don’t care, but that is the truth of it.

“The capacity is limited and the community are going to have to help with this if we’re going to resolve the situation.”


Anti-bullying advocate Roz Ward bullies Trump supporter

She’s a far-Leftist. “Anti-Bullying” is just a convenient cover for her.  The Left is inherently violent

Victoria’s controversial Safe Schools founder Roz Ward has been photographed harassing a bystander while marching in a Melbourne rally protesting against the election of Donald Trump as US president.

Images obtained by The Australian show the high-profile LGBTI rights and anti-bullying campaigner trying to remove a cap from a man wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with “Trump 2016”.

Ms Ward, who is carrying ­several copies of the Marxist newspaper Red Flag, is seen smirking while the distressed man tries to pull away and shield himself from her.

The incident, which took part at an otherwise peaceful protest organised by the Monash Student Association on November 12, comes after Ms Ward recently spoke out about “concerted ­attacks” on the Safe Schools prog­ram and her character.

It is also likely to reignite controversy over the program, which has divided parents, community groups and politicians due to its heavy emphasis on gender theory and promotion of the idea that gender and sexuality are “fluid” and “non-binary”.

Billed as a program aiming to stamp out homophobic bullying in schools, it is now fully funded by the Victorian Labor government after Premier Daniel Andrews ­declined to instigate several changes ordered by the federal government following an independent review.

According to a freelance photographer covering the event, Kenji Wardenclyffe, the incident occurred on the corner of Swanson Street and Flinders Lane while protesters were marching in the city’s centre.

“A lone pro-Trump supporter stood on the side of the road,” Wardenclyffe said. “I took a few photos, walked off, then noticed there was a commotion so I ran ­towards it and caught this; (Ms Ward)] trying to take his hat.

“I couldn’t see much more since after this there were a whole bunch of photographers in front of me.”

Ms Ward declined to comment on the incident yesterday, as did her employer, La Trobe Univer­sity, which manages the Safe Schools program in the state.

Ms Ward almost lost her job in June after she describing the Australian flag as racist on Facebook. She was suspended by the university but reinstated 24 hours later amid legal threats from the union.

Ms Ward was recently honoured at the GLOBE Community Awards — billed as Victoria’s “Queer Oscars” — taking out the People’s Choice Award.

She told The Saturday Paper that the award was both respite and recognition at a time when she had felt “under siege”.

“I’m happy to be the kind of shield for Safe Schools Coalition if somebody has to be,” Ms Ward said. “And I don’t think that me resigning would change any of the opposition.”


The religion of peace at work again

The estranged wife of the brother of slain crime figure Hamad Assaad has been arrested after she allegedly injured a journalist in a confrontation outside Bankstown court house on Friday.

The woman, 31, allegedly lashed out at Sky News reporter Amy Greenbank, after Tarek Assaad was refused bail on charges of possessing a prohibited weapon, ammunition and drugs.

She has been charged with assault occasioning actual bodily harm and will appear in court in December after being granted conditional bail.

Greenbank was among a group of journalists who approached the woman outside the court house and attempted to question her shortly after Mr Assaad was refused bail.

Sky News Sky News journalist Amy Greenbank approached the woman outside court on Friday. Footage shows the woman saying: “Youse better move out of my way before I charge youse”.

Greenbank was filming at the time and told Sky News that her camera was hit “so hard that it flung back in my face and that’s when it cut under my eyebrow”.

The wound left her with blood over her face, but Greenbank later said she was fine.

“It looked worse than it was. I’m fine, but it was a bit of a shock,” she said.

Mr Assaad, 30, had been arrested the previous night when Middle Eastern Organised Crime Squad officers raided his home on Sturt Street in Georges Hall. The officers allegedly found a loaded Glock handgun in a television cabinet and almost 30 rounds of ammunition.

Sky News reporter Amy Greenbank was left bleeding after the incident outside court. © Supplied Sky News reporter Amy Greenbank was left bleeding after the incident outside court. Hamad Assadd, 29, was shot dead outside his house on the same street in Georges Hall on October 25, after he emerged as a suspect in the shooting of standover man Wally Ahmad at a Bankstown shopping centre in April.

In court on Friday,  Mr Assaad, a wholesale tyre sales manager, denied knowledge and possession of the loaded Glock, his lawyer told the court.

He offered to put up a $115,000 surety and adhere to a night curfew to get bail, but Magistrate Elaine Truscott said she did not believe the father-of-two knew nothing about the gun and ammunition.

Given the ammunition in the car, it appeared Mr Assaad might have been “intending to imminently use it,” she said. Mr Assaad was refused bail and the case was adjourned until January.


Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.).    For a daily critique of Leftist activities,  see DISSECTING LEFTISM.  To keep up with attacks on free speech see Tongue Tied. Also, don’t forget your daily roundup  of pro-environment but anti-Greenie  news and commentary at GREENIE WATCH .  Email me  here