7/2/16: You Gotta Have Some Heart: Baltic Dry Index

As the global growth prospects are apparently and allegedly improving, and the world is busy printing money left right and centre with currency devaluations rounds stimulating the fabled ‘competitiveness’, the world trade indicators are no longer flashing red. They are, frankly, in a free fall.

Remember Baltic Dry Index? The one that reflects volumes of goods trade flows? And the one that was testing new record lows almost daily around the end of December 2015 through January 2016?

Behold the latest record: Baltic Dry is now below 300

H/T to @soberlook

Time for IMF eagles to fly some forecasting models to tell us things are just going fine at 5% annual global growth click… Yes, yes… that is, to repeat gain, Baltic Dry at its lowest level in its history.

PS: Ireland’s exports are, of course, insulated from all this global nonsense… because when times get tougher in the markets, tax optimisation becomes even more important to MNCs.