26/5/16: Some recent media links to TrueEconomics

Couple of recent links and citations for Trueeconomics blog:

Delighted and really honoured that my comment on the blog has been cited by one of the best opinion writers for Bloomberg View, Leonid Bershidsky, here: http://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2016-05-25/new-deal-aims-to-forget-greece-not-forgive-it.

Econintersect.com are carrying a link to the post from the blog on new behavioural research: http://econintersect.com/pages/contributors/contributor.php?post=201605220131.

Finland’s http://anttironkainen.fi/ blog is also linking to my piece on Greece: http://anttironkainen.fi/euroryhma-sopi-etta-kreikan-kriisi-jatkuu-viimeistaan-2018/.

Capital Greece citing same: http://www.capital.gr/story/3128569.

Meanwhile, my brief chat with Max Keiser on Keizer Report, covering (mostly) Ireland, and some broader european issues, such as ongoing debt crisis: https://www.rt.com/shows/keiser-report/344412-episode-max-keiser-919/.

My article on commodities prices (mostly oil and gas) for Sunday Business Post last week: http://www.businesspost.ie/invested-the-commodities-rollercoaster/.

My last week appearance on Bloomberg radio covering eurozone growth: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/audio/2016-05-13/gurdgiev-headwinds-remain-across-eurozone.